copy all error pages to views folder
php artisan vendor:publish –tag=laravel-errors result
php artisan vendor:publish –tag=laravel-errors result
=================================================================== Open your terminal using Ctrl+Alt+T and type the following commands Step 1: Install Laravel composer global require “laravel/installer” Step 2: Add composer to path to access laravel globally export PATH=”~/.config/composer/vendor/bin:$PATH” Step 3: Create a new Laravel application laravel new blog Step 4: Install missing packages and their dependencies cd blogcomposer install Step 5: Test the application …
<a href=“{{ URL(‘/students/edit/’.$student->id)}}“> <button class=“btn btn-primary”>Edit</button> </a>
{{– <ol> @foreach($articles as $article) <li>{{ $article->topic }}</li> @endforeach </ol> –}}