
Enhancing the Ruby IRB Console: Adding Custom Commands for Improved Workflow

How to add a clear command in Irb which I personally use most of the time. To configure IRB (Interactive Ruby) to clear the terminal screen by typing clear instead of system(“clear”), you can define a custom method that wraps the system(“clear”) command. Here’s an example of how you can achieve this: Create a .irbrc …

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The Ultimate List of Web Development Resources: Generators, Converters, Optimization Tools, and More

Are you looking for tools and resources to make your web development projects easier? Look no further than this comprehensive list of resources for developers. Whether you need help with content creation, design, coding, or testing, we’ve got you covered with generators, converters, optimization tools, and more. Here are just a few of the resources …

The Ultimate List of Web Development Resources: Generators, Converters, Optimization Tools, and More Read More »

Handling Errors in Ruby: Best Practices for Rescuing Exceptions

When working with Ruby, errors and exceptions are an inevitable part of the development process. While errors can be frustrating, they provide valuable insights into the performance and behavior of your code. In this article, we will discuss best practices for handling errors in Ruby using the example of a payment processing function. Consider the …

Handling Errors in Ruby: Best Practices for Rescuing Exceptions Read More »

Efficient Search with Rails Ransack: Filtering Model records by State

Are you looking for a powerful and flexible way to search your Rails application’s data? Look no further than Ransack. Ransack is a Ruby gem that provides a simple yet powerful interface for constructing complex search queries for ActiveRecord models. One great feature of Ransack is its ability to limit available search options based on …

Efficient Search with Rails Ransack: Filtering Model records by State Read More »