Git all Commands.

1. Install git on local machine
git --version
sudo apt update
sudo apt install git

2. Push code in github

touch .gitignore  <-- (add gitignore)

<Set on Local Machine>
git config --global "Sk Zaffar Ekbal"
git config --global "[email protected]"
git config --list

git init
git add .
git commit -m "first commit"
git status  <-- To check git status
git remote add origin <[email protected]:skzaffarekbal/covid19.git> <-- add from github site repo
git push -u origin master

<Generate SSH Key>
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C <"[email protected]">  <-- add your email id
cat <--/home/skzaffarekbal/.ssh/>   <-- add link for ssh key

3. Open Online VS Code in GitHub
(After github write 1s)

4. To Clone a project from git
git clone <[email protected]:zipdj/zipdj-react-front-end.git>
git branch <-- To check branch.
git remote update <-- To updates the branch.
git checkout zaffar-dev <-- to check out the branch.

git pull origin development <-- to pull from the development.

<Before Push in your branch>
git add .
git commit -m "Responsive"
git commit --amend -m "rename the commit message."
git pull origin zaffar-dev
git push origin zaffar-dev  <-- To push on my branch

git reset --hard  <-- To reset all modified changes.

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